Sie sind hier: Startseite / Program / Thursday Third Track / CorelDraw Import filter, a history of an incremental reverse-engineering

CorelDraw Import filter, a history of an incremental reverse-engineering

One of the LibreOffice 3.6 flagship features is the import of document in CorelDraw file-format. This talk will give in a humorous way the methodology we used to become the first FOSS library supporting ALL CorelDraw file-format versions.

Fridrich Strba
18.Oct.2012 from 09:30 to 10:30
30 minutes
Konferenzraum 2

Details of the Talk

One of the LibreOffice 3.6 flagship features is the import of document in CorelDraw file-format. This talk will give in a humorous way the methodology we used to become the first FOSS library supporting ALL CorelDraw file-format versions. The concept of incremental reverse engineering is based on our observation about how changes are normally done to closed proprietary file-formats by the developers of the software producing them.

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