Jochen Stärk
Jochen Stärk is IT consultant in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. In 2005 he initiated Gnuaccounting, a open source Java accounting software embedding functionality.

Born in 1980, Jochen founded his business in 1998 and graduated 2004 with a bachelor degree in information systems: Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (Berufsakademie).
In 2005 he published the first version of Gnuaccounting, his self-written accounting application, as proof-of concept for an article on embedding in Java applications in the german linux magazine (Linux-Magazin 06/2005 pp. 103ff "Schön eingefasst" Open Office in Java-Programme einbetten).
He continued to development on Gnuaccounting until today.
On 25.06.09 he presented it again on the Linuxtag 2009: ("osFaktura und Gnuaccounting: Zwei
in the meantime, the software evolved from UNO to Nice Office Access (NOA), and with the latest step now NOA-libre, the LibreOffice fork of NOA.
Jochen is ordinary user but hosts the NOA and NOA-Libre documentation wiki.